Sermons from February 2015

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February 25, 2015

A Study of The Epistle of Ephesians (Pt. 5)

Speaker: Heath Spivey Series: A Study of Ephesians Topic: Expository Preaching Passage: Ephesians 2:1–2:13

February 18, 2015

A Study of The Epistle of Ephesians (Pt. 4)

Speaker: Heath Spivey Series: A Study of Ephesians Topic: Expository Preaching Passage: Ephesians 2:1–2:5

February 15, 2015

A Study Through The Book of Acts (Pt. 4)

Speaker: Heath Spivey Series: A Study of Acts Topic: Expository Preaching Passage: Acts 2:14–2:37

February 15, 2015

Back To The Basics (Pt. 5)

Speaker: Heath Spivey Series: Back to the Basics Topic: Sunday Series Passage: Galatians 5:16–5:25

February 11, 2015

Oh We of Little Faith!

Series: Special Messages Topic: Guest Speakers Passage: Matthew 14:22–33

February 8, 2015

Back To The Basics (Pt. 4)

Speaker: Heath Spivey Series: Back to the Basics Topic: Sunday Series Passage: Luke 11:1–11:10

February 8, 2015

A Study Through The Book of Acts (Pt. 3)

Speaker: Heath Spivey Series: A Study of Acts Topic: Expository Preaching Passage: Acts 2:1–2:13

February 4, 2015

A Study of The Epistle of Ephesians (Pt. 3)

Speaker: Heath Spivey Series: A Study of Ephesians Topic: Expository Preaching Passage: Ephesians 1 :15–1:23

February 1, 2015

A Study Through The Book of Acts (Pt. 2)

Speaker: Heath Spivey Series: A Study of Acts Topic: Expository Preaching Passage: Acts 1:12–1:26

February 1, 2015

Back To Basics (Pt. 3)

Speaker: Heath Spivey Series: Back to the Basics Topic: Sunday Series Passage: 2 Peter 1:19–1:21