Sermons from October 2019

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October 30, 2019

Walking With Him (Pt. 84)

Speaker: Heath Spivey Series: A Study of Genesis Topic: Expository Preaching Passage: Genesis 37:12–22

October 27, 2019

Dismissing Dangerous Doctrines (Pt. 1) Introduction

Speaker: Heath Spivey Series: Dismissing Dangerous Doctrines Topic: Topical Passage: Galatians 1:6–12

October 27, 2019

Long Live The King (Pt. 23)

Speaker: Heath Spivey Series: A Study of John Topic: Expository Preaching Passage: John 6:60–71

October 23, 2019

The Battle of Ai

Speaker: Series: A Study of Joshua Topic: Expository Preaching Passage: Joshua 8:1–35

October 20, 2019

The Least of These

Speaker: David Gibbs, III Series: Guest Speakers Topic: Guest Speakers Passage: Matthew 25:35–40

October 16, 2019

Walking With Him (Pt. 83 )

Speaker: Heath Spivey Series: A Study of Genesis Topic: Expository Preaching Passage: Genesis 37:1–11

October 13, 2019

Long Live The King (Pt. 22)

Speaker: Heath Spivey Series: A Study of John Topic: Expository Preaching Passage: John 6:41–58

October 9, 2019


Speaker: Series: A Study of Joshua Topic: Expository Preaching Passage: Joshua 7:1–25

October 6, 2019


Speaker: Dr. Don Sisk Series: Mission Conference Topic: Topical Passage: Acts 10:1–6

October 3, 2019

What Is My Part?

Speaker: Heath Spivey Series: Mission Conference Topic: Topical Passage: 2 Corinthians 8:8–14

October 2, 2019

Let's Get To Work

Speaker: Heath Spivey Series: Mission Conference Topic: Topical Passage: Nehemiah 2:15–20