Sermons from 2023

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December 31, 2023

The Lord's Supper

Speaker: Heath Spivey Series: Topical Messages Topic: Topical Passage: 1 Corinthians 11:23–30

December 24, 2023

Behold Him (Pt. 5)

Speaker: Heath Spivey Series: Behold Him Topic: Christmas Messages Passage: Luke 2:8–20

December 20, 2023

What's His Name?

Speaker: Heath Spivey Series: Special Messages Topic: Christmas Messages Passage: Luke 1:57–64

December 17, 2023

Behold Him (Pt. 4)

Speaker: Heath Spivey Series: Behold Him Topic: Christmas Messages Passage: Luke 2:1–7

December 17, 2023

Behold Him (Pt. 3)

Speaker: Heath Spivey Series: Behold Him Topic: Christmas Messages Passage: Luke 1:26–38

December 13, 2023

A Tale of 3 Rulers (Pt. 31)

Speaker: Heath Spivey Series: A Study of 1 Samuel Topic: Expository Preaching Passage: 1 Samuel 24:1–22

December 10, 2023

Behold Him (Pt. 2)

Speaker: Heath Spivey Series: Behold Him Topic: Expository Preaching Passage: Matthew 2:1–12

December 6, 2023

A Tale of 3 Rulers (Pt. 30)

Speaker: Heath Spivey Series: A Study of 1 Samuel Topic: Expository Preaching Passage: 1 Samuel 23:1–29

December 3, 2023

Behold Him (Pt. 1)

Speaker: Heath Spivey Series: Behold Him Topic: Christmas Messages Passage: Matthew 1:18–25

November 29, 2023

Godly Wisdom

Speaker: Robert Turner Series: Special Messages Topic: Guest Speakers Passage: James 1:5–8

November 26, 2023

It Hurts To Serve (Pt. 19)

Speaker: Heath Spivey Series: A Study of Mark Topic: Expository Preaching Passage: Mark 8:1–21

November 19, 2023

It Hurts To Serve (Pt. 18)

Speaker: Heath Spivey Series: A Study of Mark Topic: Expository Preaching Passage: Mark 7:24–37

November 15, 2023

A Tale of 3 Rulers (Pt. 29)

Speaker: Heath Spivey Series: A Study of 1 Samuel Topic: Expository Preaching Passage: 1 Samuel 22:1–23

November 12, 2023

It Hurts To Serve (Pt. 17)

Speaker: Heath Spivey Series: A Study of Mark Topic: Expository Preaching Passage: Mark 6:53– 7:23

November 5, 2023

It Hurts To Serve (Pt. 16)

Speaker: Heath Spivey Series: A Study of Mark Topic: Expository Preaching Passage: Mark 6:45–56

November 1, 2023

A Tale of 3 Rulers (Pt. 28)

Speaker: Heath Spivey Series: A Study of 1 Samuel Topic: Expository Preaching Passage: 1 Samuel 21:1–15

October 29, 2023

It Hurts To Serve (Pt. 15)

Speaker: Heath Spivey Series: A Study of Mark Topic: Expository Preaching Passage: Mark 6:30–44

October 25, 2023

A Tale of 3 Rulers (Pt. 27)

Speaker: Heath Spivey Series: A Study of 1 Samuel Topic: Expository Preaching Passage: 1 Samuel 20:1–42

October 22, 2023

It Hurts To Serve (Pt. 14)

Speaker: Heath Spivey Series: A Study of Mark Topic: Expository Preaching Passage: Mark 6:14–29

October 18, 2023

Who Is My Worship Really For?

Speaker: John Hash Series: Special Messages Topic: Guest Speakers Passage: Leviticus 10:1–6

October 15, 2023

It Hurts To Serve (Pt. 13)

Speaker: Heath Spivey Series: A Study of Mark Topic: Expository Preaching Passage: Mark 6:6–13

October 11, 2023

A Tale of 3 Rulers (Pt. 26)

Speaker: Heath Spivey Series: A Study of 1 Samuel Topic: Expository Preaching Passage: 1 Samuel 19:1–24

October 8, 2023

It Hurts To Serve (Pt. 12)

Speaker: Heath Spivey Series: A Study of Mark Topic: Expository Preaching Passage: Mark 5:21–43

October 4, 2023

Me And Thee

Speaker: Tim Coley Series: Special Messages Topic: Guest Speakers Passage: Numbers 13:1– 14:39

October 1, 2023

It Hurts To Serve (Pt. 11)

Speaker: Heath Spivey Series: A Study of Mark Topic: Expository Preaching Passage: Mark 5:1–20

September 27, 2023

A Tale of 3 Rulers (Pt. 25)

Speaker: Heath Spivey Series: A Study of 1 Samuel Topic: Expository Preaching Passage: 1 Samuel 18

September 24, 2023

It Hurts To Serve (Pt. 10)

Speaker: Heath Spivey Series: A Study of Mark Topic: Expository Preaching Passage: Mark 4:35–41

September 20, 2023

A Tale of 3 Rulers (Pt. 24)

Speaker: Heath Spivey Series: A Study of 1 Samuel Topic: Expository Preaching Passage: 1 Samuel 17:55– 18:4

September 17, 2023

It Hurts To Serve (Pt. 9)

Speaker: Heath Spivey Series: A Study of Mark Topic: Expository Preaching Passage: Mark 4:21–34

September 13, 2023

Do You Love Him?

Speaker: Floyd Repass Series: Guest Speakers Topic: Guest Speakers Passage: John 21:14–17

September 10, 2023

How We Support Missions

Speaker: Heath Spivey Series: Missions Conference 2023 Topic: Special Events Passage: 2 Corinthians 8:9–14

September 6, 2023

Why We Support Missions

Speaker: Heath Spivey Series: Missions Conference 2023 Topic: Special Events Passage: 2 Corinthians 8:1–8

September 3, 2023

A Summer In The Psalms (Pt. 94)

Speaker: Heath Spivey Series: A Summer in the Psalms Topic: Expository Preaching Passage: Psalm 102:1–28

August 30, 2023

A Tale of 3 Rulers (Pt. 23)

Speaker: Heath Spivey Series: A Study of 1 Samuel Topic: Expository Preaching Passage: 1 Samuel 17:46–54

August 23, 2023

A Tale of 3 Rulers (Pt. 22)

Speaker: Treg Spicer Series: A Study of 1 Samuel Topic: Expository Preaching Passage: 1 Samuel 17:40–45

August 20, 2023

A Summer In The Psalms (Pt. 93)

Speaker: Heath Spivey Series: A Summer in the Psalms Topic: Expository Preaching Passage: Psalm 100:1–5

August 16, 2023


Speaker: Joseph Freeze Series: Special Messages Topic: Guest Speakers Passage: Matthew 8:23–26

August 13, 2023

A Summer In The Psalms (Pt. 92)

Speaker: Tim Coley Series: A Summer in the Psalms Topic: Expository Preaching Passage: Psalm 99:1–9

August 9, 2023

How To Be Good Soldier

Speaker: Heath Spivey Series: Special Messages Topic: Expository Preaching Passage: 2 Timothy 2:1–3

August 6, 2023

How To Get Through What You'll Never Get Over

Speaker: Bro. Bill Prater Series: Guest Speakers Topic: Guest Speakers Passage: 2 Corinthians 12:1–10

August 5, 2023

Excuses - Makhaira (Pt 4)

Speaker: Bro. Kurt Skelly Series: Makhaira 2023 Topic: Special Events Passage: Exodus 4:1–17

August 5, 2023

Developing Sustainable Spiritual Habits - Makhaira (Pt. 3)

Speaker: Bro. Bill Prater Series: Makhaira 2023 Topic: Special Events Passage: Philippians 3:12–14

August 4, 2023

A Giant Bigger Than Goliath - Makhaira (Pt. 1)

Speaker: Bro. Kurt Skelly Series: Makhaira 2023 Topic: Special Events Passage: 1 Samuel 27:1–4

August 2, 2023

A Tale of 3 Rulers (Pt. 21)

Speaker: Heath Spivey Series: A Study of 1 Samuel Topic: Expository Preaching Passage: 1 Samuel 15:1–3

July 30, 2023

A Summer In The Psalms (Pt. 91)

Speaker: Heath Spivey Series: A Summer in the Psalms Topic: Expository Preaching Passage: Psalm 98:1–9

July 26, 2023

Don't Eat My Skittles

Speaker: John Hash Series: Special Messages Topic: Guest Speakers Passage: Judges 4:1– 5:31

July 23, 2023

When The Storms Come

Speaker: Bro. Mike Wells Series: Special Messages Topic: Guest Speakers Passage: Acts 27:14–44

July 19, 2023

The Sword of The Lord, And of Gideon

Speaker: Andrew Campbell Series: Special Messages Topic: Topical Passage: Judges 6–7

July 16, 2023

A Summer In The Psalms (Pt. 90)

Speaker: Heath Spivey Series: A Summer in the Psalms Topic: Expository Preaching Passage: Psalm 97:1–12

July 12, 2023

Ehud & Eglon

Speaker: Heath Spivey Series: Special Messages Topic: Topical Passage: Judges 3:15–26

July 9, 2023

Are You Considering Him?

Speaker: Heath Spivey Series: Special Messages Topic: Topical Passage: Hebrews 12:1–3

July 5, 2023

We Shall Trust In The Lord

Speaker: Heath Spivey Series: Special Messages Topic: Expository Preaching Passage: Exodus 14:10–18

July 2, 2023

A Summer In The Psalms (Pt. 89)

Speaker: Heath Spivey Series: A Summer in the Psalms Topic: Expository Preaching Passage: Psalm 96:1–13

June 28, 2023

The Battle of The Flesh

Speaker: Bro. Mike Wells Series: Guest Speakers Topic: Guest Speakers Passage: Genesis 25:24–34

June 25, 2023

A Summer In The Psalms (Pt. 88)

Speaker: Heath Spivey Series: A Summer in the Psalms Topic: Expository Preaching Passage: Psalm 95:1–11

June 18, 2023

A Picture of A Godly Father

Speaker: Heath Spivey Series: Special Messages Topic: Topical Passage: Luke 15:11–24

June 14, 2023

Jericho or Ai ?

Speaker: John Hash Series: Guest Speakers Topic: Guest Speakers Passage: Joshua 7:1–26

June 11, 2023

A Summer In The Psalms (Pt. 87)

Speaker: Heath Spivey Series: A Summer in the Psalms Topic: Expository Preaching Passage: Psalm 94:1–23

June 7, 2023

A Tale of 3 Rulers (Pt. 20)

Speaker: Heath Spivey Series: A Study of 1 Samuel Topic: Expository Preaching Passage: 1 Samuel 17:40–44

June 4, 2023

A Summer In The Psalms (Pt. 86)

Speaker: Heath Spivey Series: A Summer in the Psalms Topic: Expository Preaching Passage: Psalm 93:1–5

May 31, 2023

Biblical Friends

Speaker: Tim Coley Series: Special Messages Topic: Guest Speakers Passage: 2 Chronicles 7:5–7

May 28, 2023

A Summer In The Psalms (Pt. 85)

Speaker: Heath Spivey Series: A Summer in the Psalms Topic: Expository Preaching Passage: Psalm 92:1–15

May 24, 2023

A Tale of 3 Rulers (Pt.19)

Speaker: Heath Spivey Series: A Study of 1 Samuel Topic: Expository Preaching Passage: 1 Samuel 17:31–39

May 21, 2023

The Purpose of Crossroads (Pt. 4)

Speaker: Heath Spivey Series: The Purpose of Crossroads Topic: Topical Passage: Galatians 5:13–15

May 17, 2023

A Tale of 3 Rulers (Pt. 18)

Speaker: Heath Spivey Series: A Study of 1 Samuel Topic: Expository Preaching Passage: 1 Samuel 17:23–30

May 14, 2023

Mother's Day

Speaker: Heath Spivey Series: Special Messages Topic: Special Events Passage: Proverbs 31:10–31

May 10, 2023


Speaker: John Hash Series: Special Messages Topic: Guest Speakers Passage: Luke 11:1–13

May 7, 2023

The Purpose of Crossroads (Pt. 3)

Speaker: Heath Spivey Series: The Purpose of Crossroads Topic: Topical Passage: 1 Thessalonians 5:11–15

May 3, 2023

A Tale of 3 Rulers (Pt. 17)

Speaker: Heath Spivey Series: A Study of 1 Samuel Topic: Expository Preaching Passage: 1 Samuel 17:12–22

April 30, 2023

The Purpose of Crossroads (Pt. 2)

Speaker: Heath Spivey Series: The Purpose of Crossroads Topic: Topical Passage: Luke 10:1–3

April 26, 2023

A Tale of 3 Rulers (Pt. 16)

Speaker: Heath Spivey Series: A Study of 1 Samuel Topic: Expository Preaching Passage: 1 Samuel 17:1–11

April 23, 2023

The Purpose of Crossroads (Pt. 1)

Speaker: Heath Spivey Series: The Purpose of Crossroads Topic: Topical Passage: 1 Corinthians 6:12–20

April 19, 2023

A Tale of 3 Rulers (Pt. 15)

Speaker: Heath Spivey Series: A Study of 1 Samuel Topic: Expository Preaching Passage: 1 Samuel 16:1–23

April 16, 2023

It Hurts To Serve (Pt. 8)

Speaker: Heath Spivey Series: A Study of Mark Topic: Expository Preaching Passage: Mark 4:1–9

April 12, 2023

A Tale of 3 Rulers (Pt. 14)

Speaker: Heath Spivey Series: A Study of 1 Samuel Topic: Expository Preaching Passage: 1 Samuel 15:1–35

April 9, 2023

It Is Finished

Speaker: Heath Spivey Series: Special Messages Topic: Special Events Passage: Luke 24:1–12

April 7, 2023

Why Is Good Friday Good?

Speaker: Heath Spivey Series: Special Messages Topic: Special Events Passage: Isaiah 63:1– 53:6

April 2, 2023

It Hurts To Serve (Pt. 7)

Speaker: Heath Spivey Series: A Study of Mark Topic: Expository Preaching Passage: Luke 19:28–48

March 29, 2023

It's About The Word!

Speaker: Bro. Mike Wells Series: Guest Speakers Topic: Guest Speakers Passage: Nehemiah 8:1–8

March 26, 2023

It Hurts To Serve (Pt. 6)

Speaker: Heath Spivey Series: A Study of Mark Topic: Expository Preaching Passage: Mark 3:20–35

March 22, 2023

A Tale of 3 Rulers (Pt. 13)

Speaker: Heath Spivey Series: A Study of 1 Samuel Topic: Expository Preaching Passage: 1 Samuel 14:1–52

March 19, 2023

Understanding Spiritual Gifts (Pt. 6)

Speaker: Heath Spivey Series: Winter Growth Groups 2023 Topic: Growth Groups Winter 2023 Passage: Ephesians 4:11–14, 1 Corinthians 14:22–40

March 19, 2023

It Hurts To Serve (Pt. 5)

Speaker: Heath Spivey Series: A Study of Mark Topic: Expository Preaching Passage: Mark 3:1–19

March 15, 2023

A Tale of 3 Rulers (Pt. 12)

Speaker: Heath Spivey Series: A Study of 1 Samuel Topic: Expository Preaching Passage: 1 Samuel 13:1–23

March 12, 2023

It Hurts To Serve (Pt. 4)

Speaker: Heath Spivey Series: A Study of Mark Topic: Expository Preaching Passage: Mark 2:13–28

March 8, 2023

A Tale of 3 Rulers (Pt. 11)

Speaker: Heath Spivey Series: A Study of 1 Samuel Topic: Expository Preaching Passage: 1 Samuel 12:1– 1:25

March 5, 2023

Understnding Spiritual Gifts (Pt.5)

Speaker: Heath Spivey Series: Winter Growth Groups 2023 Topic: Growth Groups Winter 2023 Passage: Romans 12:4–8

March 5, 2023

It Hurts To Serve (Pt. 3)

Speaker: Heath Spivey Series: A Study of Mark Topic: Expository Preaching Passage: Mark 2:1–12

March 1, 2023

A Tale of 3 Rulers (Pt. 10)

Speaker: Heath Spivey Series: A Study of 1 Samuel Topic: Expository Preaching Passage: 1 Samuel 11:1–15

February 26, 2023

It Hurts To Serve (Pt. 2)

Speaker: Heath Spivey Series: A Study of Mark Topic: Expository Preaching Passage: Mark 1:23–45

February 22, 2023

Be The Change

Speaker: John Hash Series: Topical Messages Topic: Guest Speakers Passage: Romans 12

February 19, 2023

Understanding Spiritual Gifts (Pt. 4)

Speaker: Heath Spivey Series: Winter Growth Groups 2023 Topic: Growth Groups Winter 2023 Passage: Romans 12:4–8

February 19, 2023

It Hurts To Serve (Pt. 1)

Speaker: Heath Spivey Series: A Study of Mark Topic: Expository Preaching Passage: Mark 1:1–20

February 15, 2023

A Tale of 3 Rulers (Pt. 9)

Speaker: Heath Spivey Series: A Study of 1 Samuel Topic: Expository Preaching Passage: 1 Samuel 10:1–27

February 12, 2023

Understanding Spiritual Gifts (Pt. 3)

Speaker: Heath Spivey Series: Winter Growth Groups 2023 Topic: Growth Groups Winter 2023 Passage: Romans 12:6–7

February 12, 2023

The Book of Love (Pt. 8)

Speaker: Heath Spivey Series: A Study of Song of Solomon Topic: Expository Preaching Passage: Song of Solomon 8:1–14

February 8, 2023

A Tale of 3 Rulers (Pt. 8)

Speaker: Heath Spivey Series: A Study of 1 Samuel Topic: Expository Preaching Passage: 1 Samuel 9:1–27

February 5, 2023

Understanding Spiritual Gifts (Pt. 2)

Speaker: Heath Spivey Series: Winter Growth Groups 2023 Topic: Growth Groups Winter 2023 Passage: Romans 12:6–7

February 5, 2023

The Book of Love (Pt. 7)

Speaker: Heath Spivey Series: A Study of Song of Solomon Topic: Expository Preaching Passage: Song of Solomon 7:1–13

February 1, 2023

A Tale of 3 Rulers (Pt. 7)

Speaker: Heath Spivey Series: A Study of 1 Samuel Topic: Expository Preaching Passage: 1 Samuel 8:1–18

January 29, 2023

Understanding Spiritual Gifts (Pt. 1)

Speaker: Heath Spivey Series: Winter Growth Groups 2023 Topic: Growth Groups Winter 2023 Passage: Romans 12:1–10

January 29, 2023

The Battle Is The Lord's (Pt.2)

Speaker: Heath Spivey Series: The Battle Is The Lord's Topic: 2023 Theme Passage: 1 Samuel 17:47–51, Ephesians 6:10–17

January 24, 2023

The Battle Against Negativity

Speaker: Scott Tewell Series: January Jumpstart 2023 Topic: Special Events Passage: 2 Corinthians 7:5–16

January 23, 2023

The Battle Against Guilt

Speaker: Scott Tewell Series: January Jumpstart 2023 Topic: Special Events Passage: 2 Corinthians 7:3–10

January 22, 2023

The Battle Against Culture

Speaker: Scott Tewell Series: January Jumpstart 2023 Topic: Special Events Passage: Habakkuk 1:1–17

January 22, 2023

The Battle Is The Lord's (Pt. 1)

Speaker: Heath Spivey Series: The Battle Is The Lord's Topic: 2023 Theme Passage: 1 Samuel 17:23–47

January 18, 2023

Jesus, The Door of Salvation

Speaker: Floyd Repass Series: Guest Speakers Topic: Guest Speakers Passage: John 10:1–10

January 15, 2023

A Conversation With God

Speaker: Tim Coley Series: Special Messages Topic: Guest Speakers Passage: Psalm 71:17–18

January 11, 2023

The Hoplessness of Works To Save Man

Speaker: Bro. Robert Turner Series: Guest Speakers Topic: Guest Speakers Passage: Luke 10:25–37

January 8, 2023

The Radical Cost of Following Jesus

Speaker: Heath Spivey Series: Special Messages Topic: Topical Passage: Luke 14:25–33

January 4, 2023

The Tale of 3 Rulers (Pt. 6)

Speaker: Heath Spivey Series: A Study of 1 Samuel Topic: Expository Preaching Passage: 1 Samuel 7:1–17

January 1, 2023

The Do's and Dont's of Communion

Speaker: Heath Spivey Series: Special Messages Topic: Expository Preaching Passage: 1 Corinthians 11:23–25