You must be a member of Crossroads Baptist Church to volunteer in certain ministries.
Every volunteer in every ministry of Crossroads Baptist Church must complete the annual volunteer application (training for working with children and submit a background check) and necessary training for their department:
Nursery Volunteers:
- Contact our Nursery Director, Kayla Crowder
- View the current Nursery Schedule
- Complete the nursery training application
Childrens Ministry Volunteers:
- Contact our SafeHouse Directors, Joe & Jessica Freeze
- Contact our Kids Director (Sunday School), John Hash
- Contact our Master Clubs Directors, Jon & Rachel Hubler
Crossroads Music Volunteers:
- Contact our Music Director, Tim Coley
Crossroads Security Volunteers:
- Contact our Security Director, Becky Meeks
Crossroads First Impressions:
- Click here to register for a team assignment